
Bagus Satriyo Nurtantio, S.S.T.
My Profile

I am owner of  CV Bandung Mediapromo engaged in the procurement of goods and services. Legal Company and including one of the Taxable.

I am also one of the internet marketers that are reliable and able to provide information about products and services with an easily understandable.

My Contact

Do not hesitate to contact me via phone: 08112000265, 02276080588 or come directly to:
 Residence / Office :
Bandung Office :
Jl. Cijambe No. 16 RT 01 RW 07 Kel. Pasir Endah Kec. Ujungberung, Kota Bandung 40619
Telp. : (62-22) 8788 0888, Fax. : (+62-22) 8782 1013
Email :

Bandung Showroom
Ruko Pinus Regency No. 86
Soekarno Hatta, Bandung
Telp. / Fax. : (+62-22) 8782 1013

Banjar Office / Showroom :
Jl. Rawa Onom No. 7 RT 07 RW 03 Randegan 1, 
Kel. Raharja, Kec. Purwaharja, Kota Banjar 46333
Telp. / Fax. : (+62-265) 743 183

Banten Office :
Kp. Masigit, RT 15 RW 08, Ds. Sukabares, 
Kec. Ciomas, Kab. Serang - Banten 42164
Telp. : 0819 1006 1253